TAX - Experts in Tax Consultancy
A wide experience at your service
The inclusion of experts in Tax Consulting in our company allows us to offer our clients an external and objective point of view regarding tax planning and strategy, all with the aim of optimizing the tax burden supported by our clients.
Our Tax Consultancy Department provides professional services in relation to the most diverse aspects of tax planning and administration, including the preparation of tax statements and studies of the tax incidence in normal and special transactions of our clients.
The specific services of this division are focused, among others, on the following areas:
Communication to our clients of any modification of the fiscal legislation, as well as of other important dispositions published in the B.O.E. that could affect them.
Fiscal Statements
Preparation and review of the declarations / settlements that must periodically be submitted to the tax authorities, informing the interested party of all aspects that should be discussed or require any decision, in order to give them the most appropriate tax treatment.
Study and answer of all those queries on fiscal matter that our clients believe advisable to formulate to us.
Tax Advice Planning and Strategy
It is necessary, starting from a studied and known fiscal situation, to gradually establish fiscal policy by considering the tax consequences of any business operation or economic action. The fiscal policy thus created would intervene as one more factor, together with financial, commercial policies, etc., when it comes to studying alternatives and making decisions.
This aspect of our tax consultancy is fulfilled through the prior knowledge of the transactions or operations of the entity that could have fiscal implications, keeping for this purpose conversations or meetings with the periodicity and frequency that is required. In this way we can collaborate in the establishment and maintenance of the aforementioned fiscal policy allowing, within the legal framework, the most advantageous application of the law as well as knowledge of the problems at the right time optimizing decisions and measures economic, minimizing tax burdens.
Actions before the Administration
Collaboration in the preparation and presentation of all queries or authorizations that must be requested from the tax authorities.
Participation in tax inspections
One of the following two forms:
a) Acting on behalf of the client before the inspection itself, taking in such case the management and establishing the appropriate procedure.
b) Advising the responsible personnel of the inspection, reviewing their performance, providing arguments and advising the acceptance or disagreement of the final inspection proposal.
Preparation of legal resources and claims of administrative acts
Drafting of special reports on tax matters that may be requested, as long as the special complexity, amplitude or transcendence of the issues requires it.